
Mermaid : extremely beautiful but also extremely dangerous

jadi kemarin-kemarin saya menonton Pirates of The Caribbean bersama teman seperjuangan si Delima Ceriah untuk menonton si pujaan hati Johny Depp pasti keren berperan sebagai Jack Sparrow.. kami menonton 3D donk pastinya.. dengan seonggok pop corn for 2 kami siap berperang bersama dan mencari the fountain of youth. *halagh*

scene yang saya suka adalah saat haunting mermaid... keren.. dan sangat menghipnotis walaupun tegang... menurut saya diantara keseluruhan film. adegan ini yang paling tegang ( ya walaupun biasa-biasa aja ) tapi suasana di bioskop itu walau sudah seru-seruan. pas adegan ini seperti terasa dihipnotis, terdiam, lalu menarik nafas panjang...

My heart is pierced by Cupid, I disdain all glittering gold,
There is nothing that can console me but my jolly sailor bold.

Come all you pretty fair maids, whoever you may be
Who love a jolly sailor bold that ploughs the raging sea.

whooaaa.. i fell in love with mermaid now.. im sorry Ariel ( little mermaid ) but this mermaid its really beautiful creature..

pemeran Tamara ( mermaid pertama ) yang ada di pirates.. dia adalah seorang supermodel dari Australia.. dan guess what.. kita seumur.. *KRIK*

kalau -kalau pada mau tau soal Tamara si mermaid bisa ke sini

"Can you talk?"
"...You're beautiful.
"Are you the one who sings?"
"Aye.""...Are you my jolly sailor bold?" 
- Scrum and Tamara

dan setelah ini saya akan mencopy-paste FUNFACT about Mermaid..

The water line defines where they're women and where they’re creatures. Under the water, they are creatures and over the water, they're women. The mermaids have huge strength and are strong enough to break through solid wood with their bare hands. In large numbers, they have even been known to topple great ships. They also demonstrate massive speed when swimming, and can dive out of the ocean and drag sailors back into the depths with them. The mermaids feed on the men, and that’s how they see men, as something that sustains them. They may look lovely, but they can shred a human limb from limb in seconds. The mermaids have been known to use long strands of seaweed as a form of lasso to pull sailors off ships or cliffs out of reach.
Their long and powerful tails make them very fast swimmers adapt at hunting prey. Beneath the skin of their tails is the suggestion of the legs they gain on land. Their tails are covered in a scaly translucent membrane which floats around them like tendrils in the water and is shed when they gain legs. They can survive long enough on land to drag a sailor back into the sea, where they can entangle them in a powerful grip. They can also go on land in human form. However if they are partially in the water, trapped in mermaid form but not enough in the water to live, they can dry out and die.[3]
Mermaids were known to have special abilities. It was common knowledge that a kiss from a mermaid would protect a sailor from drowning. In legends concerning the Fountain of Youth, particularly the Profane Ritual, a mermaid's tear is one of the required items needed in order to make the Fountain work. But as proud and ferocious as the seas in which they live, mermaids do not weep lightly. It was said that tears of joy were the more potent.
kalau-kalau mau tahu tempe lalap lebih lanjut bisa klik disini 

ya inilah hasil dari gak bisa tidur malam hari ini...
 kebetulan saya fans Pirates of the Carribean.. menyukai Pirates terlebih dahulu lalu menyukai Johni Depp.. dari segi kualitas sih film ini mengalami penurunan, tapi tetap sih sebagai fans saya tetap menyukai film ini. dan pas saya menontonnya di hari suntuk. jadi cukup menghibur. 3D nya kurang sekali.. jadi cukup sayang sebenernya nonton 3D.. adegan paling tegang cuman saat-saat haunting mermaid di whitecap.. setelah-setelahnya dan sebelum--sebelumnya itu masih biasa lah..

film ini mendapat film 6.9  deh.. alur ceritanya kurang menantang.. Efek 3D dan grafisnya kurang banyak..
tapi menghibur sih tetap filmnya..

selamat menonton

*angkat gelas berisi popcorn caramel bercampur popcorn asin

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