
a dream catcher must be a dreamer first

sudah lama saya gak ngpost coffee and book yak. masih kok saya masih membaca buku. masih juga kok saya meminum kopi. kopi itu setiap pagi pasti masuk lambung saya, membaca walau pun sedikit tapi setiap hari harus masuk otak saya. 

beberapa hari yang lalu saya membaca twitter dari @dchrzan dia membahas soal MEMBACA..

It'’s been said the average salesman doesn'’t read a book a year. And that’'s why he’'s the average salesman.
By reading we learn from others. It'’s wise to learn from experience, but it'’s wiser to learn from the experience of others.
By reading books, you get to interact with people you’'ve never met and see how great minds think.
A casual glance at someone’s library often tells you a lot about that person.
The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who can'’t read.” Mark Twain
Schedule time for reading. All of us must keep growing. 
Television is the greatest enemy of reading. Set aside fifteen minutes a day and you'’ll read up to two dozen books a year.
Learning to read faster and learning to read better is just a matter of discipline.
Read materials by people that you disagree with. Read to stimulate your thinking.
One of the tests of a really fine book is when you’re reading it you put it down to start thinking.” A.W. Tozer
Know what not to read. Life is too short to spend it reading useless books.
 A book that’s worth reading, is worth buying.
“Even in my old age, even when I'’m in the final phase of my life, I want to keep reading, growing and developing.” The Apostle Paul
Every leader is a reader. If you’re going to lead, you’ve got to be thinking in advance of the people you’re leading.
Reading wise and virtuous subjects is next to prayer, the best improvements for our hearts.

begitulah soal MEMBACA, saya sendiri pun lagi terus membangun diri untuk mencintai buku. mencintai membaca buku, dibandingkan membaca lewat internet. hehe.. 

nah, sekarang saya akan membahas soal Dream Catcher by ALANDA KARIZA. selain covernya bagus buatan ABE ( ini disini neh klik disini ) isi bukunya jg bagus loh. sepertinya anak-anak remaja, labil, yang keseringan update status galau lebih baik adanya membaca buku seperti ini. Alanda Kariza si penulis ini baru berumur 21 tahun. dia membahas soal dream catcher? gak salah tuh? umur masih muda gitu bahas-bahas soal gapai mimpilah.. saya sendiri belum baca sampai tuntas bukunya tapi saya tangkap sih.

"BEFORE WE BECOME a dream catcher we must be a dreamer first.." 

nah, makanya dibeli lah ke toko buku si DREAM CATCHER ini.. untuk Indonesia yang lebih baik. mari.. karena masa depan bangsa Indonesia ada di tangan generasi muda. SETTTDAH SEDAP!!!


let's give INDONESIAN WRITER a lot of LOVE by buying their baby i mean books..


  1. Jadi pgn baca._. tp akhir-akhir terlalu sibuk karna banyak prT-T aaah

    Eka Theresia♥

  2. @eka theresia

    ayo ayo donk mari membaca!! :D

    mari budayakan membaca!

  3. wah..bagus ya bukunya? kmaren" ke gramed sempet ngelirik..tapi ga jadi beli..hehe. next time ke gramed mau bli deh :)

  4. @elva

    harganya cuman 50ribu kok,,
    " A book that’s worth reading, is worth buying." :D


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