
i see what you did there (smile)

whoa,, akhirnya sudah kebeli juga itu list buku yang pernah di post disini..
Antologi Rasa by Ika Natassa sudah selesai dibaca
Nguping Jakarta sudah setengahnya *karena dibaca kalau lagi butuh ketawa2 geje*
It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be by Paul Arden pun sudah setengahnya
Steve Jobs status : untoucable *yeah, lebih tebel dari alkitab gini ni buku* but i think it was good invesment
Done reading this book!! AM A HAPPY SINGLE LADY !!
but still you are a single girl..
Please no more revision.. *hoping*

who am i kidding here?
am driving like an ABG . swag!
pembicaraan ini adalah antara CAROLINA dan OWL silahkan disimak :

carolina : hi, owl.. how r ya ?
owl : doin good.. thx.. and how r ya?
carolina : i'm good.. heard bout your ear yesterday? how is it right now?
owl : hmm,, my right ear got a lil probs but ok.. just sometimes i do look stupid with HAH? beg u pordon?
carolina : so you must hv Kristen Stewart expression..
owl : i wish i could.. haha.. so you wearing glasses now?
carolina : yup, a bit annoying with my sight lately.. so a couple a days a go i was like checkin up and i must hv a glasses now..
owl : uwooo,, it's what u wish for right? being geeky like?
carolina : ... not really, i think im gonna wear it only at home..
owl : why?
carolina : i dont wanna look smart
owl : what? is it cool being "look-smart" ?
carolina : hmm,, i'm a 9gager what do you think about lookin smart?!!
owl : i see what u did there..
by the way busway nabrak becak we... kalo kalian ada di twitter akhir2 ini ada yang twitwar seru gtu kan? soal mbak haque haque .. (smile) it's ridiculous.. but celebritweet you are doin it RIGHT!! it was fun reading all the tweets bout it.

so you dont know bout it? ya emang gak penting sih, gak bikin lu pinter juga tau soal masalah si haque-haque ini. tapi ya sedikit menyenangkan..



i'd love to hear your thought :D