
My Heart is Yours

"This HEART it beat, Beat for only you.. my HEART is yours" - PARAMORE

i gotta admit it, while im in the mood to get this paper dirty.. this couple ( David and Castella ) all of sudden chatted me ( with different topic by the way ).. so, it's really such a pleasure for me to know 'em, to be a witness how love can conquer all.. it's for both of you, for your love has inspired me to draw.. NAH.. of course to love and to be loved *group hug to my laptop, mouse and my-unsmart-phone* *&^*^^%^

Faith, Hope & Love. Faith can move a mountain, Hope can heal a heart, & Love can bring a smile to even the most mean person ever.
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 
anyway, i have something to share.. this is real cool.. 

Fashion Show with Google from Robbin Waldemar on Vimeo.

so, what do you think about this video ?



  1. keren cc owl! and their are such inspirational person.

  2. g baru ngeh ada nama g di situ,HAHAAHAHAHAHA

  3. wow pakai vimeo.
    kemarin sempet berurusan dengan api nya tuh.
    lumayan juga ternyata.
    not bad :D

  4. maksudnya apa tuh ? api apa? api cinta?

  5. gua malah baru ngeh nya sekarang... haha!


i'd love to hear your thought :D