
my 24th birthday!!!

taken by Max Elliot 3 y.o

taken by Max Elliot 3 y.o

taken by Max Elliot 3 y.o

and after that i hv a dinner with my family at TOMODACHI.. ( no photos :(  ) yay.. what a simple and lovely birthday.. i didnt expect this simple and this lovely.. this is too much because it was so simple and full of love.. loving my family and my spiritual family so much. im so grateful and feel so blessed by all of you. thank you for always being there and hangin with me. when im up or down. when im young and younger ( wont says that im grow old.. i grow younger HA ) i cant thank u enough. and i must say that im 24 and im very happy about my birthday. even after that i caught a GALAU disease. Godsave and pour out His blessing to all of you.

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