
old time, BELLZ era

so,, debbie oktriana wrote about the photoshoot thingy di ucapan natalnya ( check disini )
mameeeeennn oliiiinnnn!!!aku kangen belagak kekerenan sama kamyuuuu.. hahaha.. dulu kita ngerasa keren dengan berdandan ala bellz dengan eyeliner hitam ala EMO, kemeja, pin dan dasi.. that was sooo weird!! Siapa lagi yang akan kita ikuti skrg?! hahaha.. Thanks for inspiring me with your stuff owl.. you have a very strong personality and you have the ability to influence people in such a way! Creativity is your middle name (after silly, weird, crazy, etc. Hahaha..) Klo dipikir-pikir, you really are the type of man i would love to date! huuaahahaha.. You RAAWWKK GURL! You’ll always be my Bellz! *keukeuuuh*

now, i will show y'all
" BERLAGAK KEKERENAN, BERDANDAN ALA BELLZ. emo, kemeja, pin dan dasi"

me, debbie oktriana, and anna bule as a model.

and who is bellz ?


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