

Spotted january the 4th : O and RR,VH at BEC shopping for a xmas gift for her brother. We’re sure whatever she buy will be 100% lovely. queen C think she like to be alone today. go home with her lil'bro AR and N [ with a nice flower tattoo ], with N taking them home . D somewhere in Jakarta for her future. the Harsanto didn't show up at the sunday service, mr.B we pray for you, for your health . where's the guys? i don't know and this issue Kind of boring, if you ask me. Come on, guys. We can do better. Keep your eyes open!


  1. wahhh. mulai ngegosip lagi nihh??
    O, RR, VH ama N itu sypa??
    klo AR ama queen C ako tau.

  2. O yah gw lah olla sapa lagi? masa lu? hahaahha. gw gak ketemu lu juga hari minggu. hahahaha. RR,VH dan N yah cari sendiri ajah y? maen detektip2an sana! ahahahaa

  3. hha. iya yahh. hhe. wahh. agak ssh euyy. kbnyakan ank2 the bridge cm tao nma pnggilan euy. hhe.


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